So here it was, one of my fave bands playing in my fave London venue - the University of London Union. Didn't realise they were licensed to play late (JL got on at 11.10) so the Bossman, Trigger and CD had to scarper for their last trains, leaving me on my tod, and they only got to see the quirky barrage of odd hippy punk that is Larrikin Love. Note, the guitarist/main plough operator had about 4 hairstyles on the go, but he didn't care. They came on after 10pm, and everyone was pretty steaming by then, so the mosh pit was jostling but not too crazy....

By the time JL came on, everyone (apart from me, as I was driving) was a drunk flailing mentalist down the front. I just wanted some pap shots, so I took my bruises and retreated, standing next to this huge heavy metal lank haired monster. Truly he was an immovable object and if any eight stone student so much as brushed his black string vest a stiff arm would flex out and twat down the buzzing mosquito. He did it with an impassive grace, and fixed expression, like a character from a Sergio Leone movie. Such detached professionalism impressed me, taking no pleasure in his business of mashing kids in the face, eyes fixed on stage throughout his endeavors.
I wish I got a photo of him, he was cool.
Anyway, I did get some photos of Juliette and the Licks.....
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